Archive for May, 2018

CNN Ecosphere data visualization on Climate change   24 comments

Posted at 3:17 pm in 科学


Tweets about climate change

Written by THEM on May 30th, 2018

Best Free Software according to PC gamer   469 comments

Posted at 10:17 pm in Uncategorized

Written by THEM on May 25th, 2018

Charles Woods for President, 2020!   1,716 comments

Posted at 6:14 pm in Government

Written by THEM on May 24th, 2018

Truth about Dave Chappelle   560 comments

Posted at 5:51 pm in Propaganda

Written by THEM on May 24th, 2018

Jordan Peterson freaked by Russel Brand on Free Market   447 comments

Posted at 4:23 pm in Government

Jordan Peterson has been too resolute in his Economic and Political views, which he really doesn’t have expertise in.  Humility in the areas you don’t understand.  Not that Russel Brand does either, but he’s more right, you can just tell.


Written by THEM on May 22nd, 2018

Spooky action at a goddamn distance, or something like that   32 comments

Posted at 7:28 pm in science,科学

Written by THEM on May 21st, 2018

RAWCUS   25 comments

Posted at 3:25 am in lul


Written by THEM on May 2nd, 2018