Archive for September, 2018


Posted at 3:42 am in Uncategorized

Written by THEM on September 26th, 2018

Hedy Lamarr – Goddess among us   633 comments

Posted at 4:45 am in Forreal,Freaks

Sexy geniuses are like gods, and here we have a real powerhouse.  Hedy Lamarr, inspired the character catwoman, actress, and then inventor of technologies we still use in bluetooth and wifi.  What would it be like to be her? What’s the psychology of a person that can win at everything and be desired by all, body and mind?  There’s a movie that just came out about her called Bombshell, let’s watch it.



Written by THEM on September 14th, 2018

17th anniversary   537 comments

Posted at 2:00 am in False Flag,Government

Written by THEM on September 11th, 2018

Man Sited Riding a Giant Rabbit   1,837 comments

Posted at 11:11 pm in lul

Written by THEM on September 10th, 2018

Presidio pedo case 1987   611 comments

Posted at 1:47 am in pizza


  • 60 kids potentially molested
  • 4 with Chlamydia
  • Satanist Michael Aquino presided over the facility, accused directly of abuse, but not main suspect
  • Gary Hambright indicted for violent rape of young children and ritual abuse, with 58 other cases suspected
  • Charges Dropped, not enough evidence to link rapes to Hambright or Aquino
  • Various signs of court incompetence at prosecuting the case
  • Michael Aquino worked in PsyOps, advocating “Mind War” on enemies, allies, and citizens
  • Prior cases of abuse around presidio


Written by THEM on September 4th, 2018

Jordan Peterson is a Prol!   1,312 comments

Posted at 8:40 pm in Uncategorized

Written by THEM on September 2nd, 2018