Paydirt. Watch “Complete History of the Anunnaki/Pleiadian Gods !!!” on YouTube 1,300 comments
Mandellaverse Matriarchi Star Trek 443 comments
no theories… 34 comments
spooky skies 2,525 comments
The ring one at the beginning is the best one. Like the last one, with the ring, looks unnatural/artificial which makes it spookier. That last one looks like obvious CGI, whereas the first ring looks fairly legit.
Hell, they could all be CGI, there are documented fakes out there, whatever that means. But the first one is a little too natural and inhuman to be that….
….and it isn’t, check it out, all is science again, we can make em on command:
Skimmed some articles for the israeli ring, and the evidence seems to be purely based on the viral video. Gonna need to have some witnesses for that one to mean anything.
The one ranked as 3rd in the countdown, with the jet straight up is pretty sick. Clouds and lightning do weird shit, and it’s awesome. Not to rule anything more sentient out though…
Mayan jungle city 5 times bigger than they thought 30 comments
I don’t understand why archaeologists don’t see a pattern. They only discover a small portion of what exists. Stands to reason that they’ll find more stuff over time, meaning more people lived more civilized further in the past than they have evidence for. Clear pattern, I mean, right?
pre-OD Greg Giraldo 23 comments